Henri Matisse

  • 网络亨利·马蒂斯;马蒂斯;亨利马蒂斯
Henri MatisseHenri Matisse
  1. Once she was a nude model and muse to French artist Henri Matisse .


  2. A painting by the French master Henri Matisse has been recovered in Britain a quarter of century after it was stolen in Sweden .


  3. Enlightenment from Art Master Henri Matisse


  4. The famous series of cut-outs by Henri Matisse are a good example of primitivism .


  5. Henri Matisse , Picasso 's rival for supreme artist of the modern period , described him as " a sort of god of painting " .


  6. Painting works of contemporary French painter Henri Matisse , who had a strong interest in oriental painting and creative interpretation , carry with an obvious oriental taste .


  7. If museums face an uncertain future , you wouldn 't know it from " Henri Matisse : The Cutouts , " which recently drew 664000 to the Museum of Modern Art .


  8. Monika Gr ü tters , Germany 's culture minister , said yesterday three expropriated works - by Max Liebermann , Henri Matisse and Carl Spitzweg - would immediately be returned to heirs of the owners .
